How to build a successful Change Management Infrastructure!

Many organizations are investing in internal change management practices.  These practices will take on many forms, from a stand-alone Change Management Office to a Center of Excellence within an existing part of the organization.

However, to ensure the success of these investments, Three critical decisions must be made regarding the infrastructure that will support the OCM Practice.

  • What Change Model will we Adopt? 

  • What will our Change Framework be? 

  • What Change Method will we employ?

What is an Organizational Change Model:

  • A successful example to be followed, with or without modifications.

  • An abstraction that provides a rough definition of practices and inter-relationships needed by an organization to deliver desired Change.

Why adopt a Change Model:

  • Models are valuable as a consistent and predictive of successful outcomes.

  • Models provide a consistent thematic messaging to associates regarding an organization's approach to Change.

What is a Change Delivery Framework:

  • A Framework provides the structure needed to implement a model or defined transformation.

  • A representation defines the preferred practices and inter-relationships needed by an organization to deliver a change.

Why adopt a formal Framework:

  • Consistency in the assessment, planning, and delivery of the desired changes

  • Provide clarity to the scope, steps, and tasks for everyone who is engaged in the process of Change

What is a Change Delivery Method:

  • The process by which change tasks are completed; a roadmap for executing prescribed activities

  • Methods inside the framework provide a planned approach to achieving the desired Change.

Why adopt a delivery method:

  • Methods assign a disciplined set of processes so that assessing, designing, and delivering Change is more effective with predictable outcomes efficient.

Many variables will impact an organization's ability to deliver sustainable Change.  Selecting and adopting the best Model, Framework, and Method for your Change Practice will set you on a course to successfully adopt the desired Change.