One Year Old, A Year of Reflection - A Message from Our CEO


WOW! It’s here, one year old as Change 4 Growth (C4G) Consulting! Seems so young to have accomplished so much! As many of you know, we are really a 14-year-old company after purchasing Sequent Consulting, however this is the first year on our own. 

The one word that summarizes my first year as the founder and owner is “Grateful.” I am grateful to all of you who have supported me personally and professionally in this journey. I am grateful for my amazing team, who inspire me to work harder every day. I am grateful for my clients, who have challenged us to be the best we can be and to think creatively to come up with crazy good solutions. I am grateful for my investment partners, TPC Consulting, for without them we wouldn’t be. I am grateful for my family who supports me through thick and thin. I am grateful. 

It’s been an amazing year! We have grown by 30-40% since last year. Feeling the pressure, like our retail friends do, I think to myself how am I going to keep up those comps? It’s been a great ride! There has been A LOT of laughter. There has be A LOT of FUN! There has been A LOT of success. There has been SOME stress and SOME tears! There has been SOME frustrations and SOME disappointments. There has been SOME misses. But at the end of the day, I would not trade one second. Each experience has helped me grow as a person, a CEO, a partner, a friend, a colleague and as a human being.

And finally, I can promise you one thing. I am committed to not being the BIGGEST consulting firm, but the BEST consulting firm. That comes first. Our values and customer delight comes first. I want to thank each of you that has supported me in some way, whether you worked for me, partnered with me, or even competed with me, I THANK YOU! I sincerely hope and pray the best is yet to come! Won’t you join us? Follow us on LinkedIn. Check out our website for our amazing solutions  Reach out today and find out how we can help you (and your company) be the best you can be!  


As CEO of Change 4 Growth, the best-selling author of POWERED BY HAPPY and a frequent global motivational and keynote speaker on topics such as Leading Change, Culture Alignment/Powered by Happy and Women in Leadership, Beth Thomas is truly enjoying growing the organization she started in 2017 after 12 successful years building a consulting practice for another organization and then purchasing it in 2017. She has over 25 years of experience specializing in Transformational Business Change & Readiness, Leadership, Learning & Development, Culture Shaping and Employee Engagement.

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