When I was asked to “kick off” the month of November with a blog about gratitude and thankfulness, I almost sneered a very negative comment, but then I thought it would not be a great reaction from their CEO.  But seriously, my first thought was Thankful?  Grateful?  For what?  Ironically, just last week I was reflecting on how much negativity surrounds us. When you look at what we have been through and what we are going through now, it’s hard to find something to be thankful for. 

The moment we wake up, we have the CHOICE to decide how we’re going to start our day. Do you start it by reading your texts/emails or looking through social media? OR do you start each morning with a grateful heart? I CHOOSE to be grateful.  I CHOOSE to be thankful!  In my book, Powered by Happy, I challenge people to write down three things to be grateful for each morning.  This completely changes your mindset and kicks off your day on a positive note.  It also helps to take away negativity and frustration you are feeling.  Is it always easy to do, no.  Sometimes the uncertainty, negativity and sadness swirling around us is all consuming.  This is when we must dig deep and really challenge ourselves to come up with a few things that REALLY make you happy and that you are grateful for.  I do this because of the Power in Positivity

In the beginning of Covid, I thought there is no way I can find any silver linings.  Right before our shut down, I thought I had a fairy tale life.  I could have listed a dozen (easily) things I was grateful and thankful for.  At the end of March, I was lucky if I could find just a few.  I realized, all too quickly, I had to dig deep.  The more we are living with this, the more I am focusing on just living….in the present moment.  This reminded me (and made me reflect on) what’s most important in my life and what makes me the happiest… We can’t wait around for our world to go back to “normal” we have to consciously include what makes us happy in our “day to day” and gratefulness will come on its own. I am focusing on the good.  On a personal note, I have found many silver linings. My kids moved back in with me (with a boyfriend) and 90% of the time, we had a BLAST.  We cooked together, did Airbnb online experiences together, watched movies, completed puzzles, played games and laughed a lot.  I also was able to RELAX and not be overly scheduled.  WE have spent less money, bought less “things”, cooked more, took stock in what was truly important, built better relationships and prayed constantly.  Even traffic is almost non-existent! I am thankful I still have a job and can pay my bills.

On the professional side, leading and managing a business through a time like this has been a rollercoaster. But I’m left feeling GRATEFUL. GRATEFUL that my team gave their all when they didn’t have to.  I saw them have the best attitude in the scariest of times.  I saw them do the most innovative work and turn what we do for clients every day internal.  We were change agile and change resilient.  We challenged every process, every solution and made it better.  We leaned on and supported one another mentally.  We dealt with every situation with care and consideration.  We put each client on a pedestal and gave away much of our work. We realized more than ever the power in helping others and our communities.  The “work from anywhere” was a bonus, and it will be for many companies who never had work from home policies, but we also realized it must be a blend.  We missed each other.  We need(ed) the interaction.  We are not just part of a team; we are a family. 

Most of all, I think we all realized, if we can get through what we have over the last 8 months, we can get through anything.  There is peace in that.  We have built muscles we never knew we had.  For that and for many other reasons I have listed above, I am grateful. I am thankful.  I hope each one of you can dig deep and find your top 3 blessings during the month of November, where our focus will be on thankfulness and gratefulness.  Cheers to the power of gratitude.  Cheers to the new normal.  Cheers to the new you. 

If you have enjoyed this article, we would love to hear from you what YOU are grateful for!  Please send us a note at info@change4growth.com or mention it in the comments section! We will publish these in November, the month of GRATEFULNESS!



Beth Thomas has more than 25 years of experience specializing in Transformational Business Change & Readiness, Leadership, Learning & Development, Culture Shaping and Employee Engagement. Her book, POWERED BY HAPPY, and the accompanying workshop, has guided her efforts and services in helping organizations shape productive cultures and employee engagement.

Beth previously served as Senior Vice President at JP Morgan Chase where she led the retail organization’s Learning & Change Management department across the country in support of their branch network. In addition, Beth served as the Head of Knowledge & Service Management for all Limited Brands, where she led Organizational Change, Learning & Service Management activities.

Beth is a globally recognized thought leader whose work has been recognized all over the world and she’s served as a trusted advisor to many Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, Beth’s professional work has been recognized with national awards and in several globally circulated magazines, newsletters and blogs. She is a contributing author on four books: On Demand Learning (Darin Harley), Implementing eLearning (Jay Cross and Lance Dublin), Learning Rants, Raves and Reflections (Elliott Masie), and Lies About Learning (Larry Israelite).

Tiffany Thomas