Change Notes #15 | September 15, 2020


Welcome back! We’ve started to get some early hints of cooler fall weather recently and we’ve got some more valuable insights in this edition of Change Notes. From the role of emotion in change projects to a series of virtual facilitation tips and updates on the availability of Microsoft’s new Lists app in Teams, there is something for everyone.

Thanks for reading!   

Using Emotions to Leverage and Accelerate Change: A Guide for Leaders 

Employees’ Perception of Change Depends on Their Role in the Organization

When faced with a major change or disruption, not all individuals will greet their new normal with enthusiasm. But the negative emotions that may surface can signal an opportunity for you to grow and evolve into a better leader. In this LinkedIn Learning course, learn how to take the first steps towards harnessing the power of emotion to fuel lasting growth. (If you don’t already have access to LinkedIn Learning, try your local library for free access.) 


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Your company probably does not look or operate the same way today as it did a few months ago. Even without COVID, our organizations are changing and evolving, which is a good thing. Jacob Morgan has introduced the 14 Principles of the Future Organization, which was something from his book, The Future of Work.  We are seeing an amazing evolution around how we work, how we lead, and how we structure our companies. Check out his 14 Principles of the Future Organization.  

Facilitation Tips Series - Part 1: Presence 

Virtual Facilitation Presence

Jane Bozarth has just launched a series on the online facilitation skills that so many more people are rushing to pick up these days. This series starts with part 1 on presence and you’ll want to be sure to plugin for all the upcoming parts from Jane.  

Microsoft Lists in Microsoft Teams is now generally available 

Microsoft Lists available in Teams

As you might already know, Microsoft Lists, is a new Microsoft 365 app that helps you track information and organize your work. Lists are simple, smart, and flexible, so you can stay on top of what matters most to your team. Track patients, loans, issues, assets, routines, contacts, inventory and more using customizable views and smart rules and alerts to keep everyone in sync. Check your instance of Microsoft Teams to see if you now have access to start using Lists.  

Employees’ Perception of Change Depends on Their Role in the Organization 


Even within the same organization, various functions can view corporate initiatives differently. In this article from Change Management Review, you’ll see why HR managers and leadership teams need to better understand and account for these differences in future transformations. Read on to learn more about the perception of change and the pivotal role of a change champion and how choosing them wisely can increase the ability to deal with change resistance.  

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