Posts tagged mindfulness
Mindfulness- It's Strategic!

What is Mindfulness?  There has been a lot of buzz around this topic as we are in constant search for the desire to perform well and feel better.  Ironically, we spend much of our lives, nearly half of our waking hours, in a state of mindlessness—functioning in autopilot.  The antidote to mindlessness is in fact mindfulness—a conscious awareness of our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surrounding environment.  The past decade has seen a surge of research on the many benefits of mindfulness linking its practice to a host of positive outcomes, including improved psychological health, physical well-being, interpersonal relationships, and job performance.  In fact, many employers who have supported a mindfulness practice among their employees have seen a marked increase in engagement and overall job satisfaction from the reported 87% disengagement at work reported via Gallup.

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